20 June 2024Article
New Extended Producer Responsibility for UK Packaging

The UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has updated the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) rules for packaging.

The UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has updated the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) rules for packaging.

These changes require UK organisations that supply or import packaging to comply with new EPR requirements, necessitating detailed data reporting on packaging activities.

The updated EPR rules aim to enhance recycling and waste management for packaging. All affected companies must collect and report on more detailed packaging data, with different obligations depending on the company size and activities.

The new EPR will affect UK companies meeting any of the below requirements:

  • Companies with annual turnover of £1 million or more
  • Companies responsible for more than 25 tonnes of packaging in 2022
  • Companies carrying any of the packaging activities listed below:
    • Supplying packaged goods to the UK market under own brand
    • Placing goods into packaging
    • Importing products in packaging
    • Owning an online marketplace
    • Hiring or loaning out reusable packaging
    • Supplying empty packaging

Once your company size and obligations are confirmed, you must follow the below steps:

  • Small Organisations will have to start collecting packaging data retrospectively from 1 January 2023 or 1 March 2023, with no immediate action to report.
  • Large Organisations will have to start collecting data retrospectively from 1 January 2023 or 1 March 2023 and report twice a year going forward. In addition, as part of the obligations, large companies will have to
    • Pay waste management fees and regulatory charges
    • Obtain PRNs (Packaging Waste Recycling Notes) or PERNs (Packaging Waste Export Recycling Notes) for recycling obligations.

The UK government temporarily deferred EPR fees until October 2025, but companies must still collate and report on their data from 2023. Future fees will vary depending on the packaging recyclability.

To discuss these changes in regulations or any other questions in regards to your supply chain, please contact us here, and our expert Woodlanders will be able to assist promptly.

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